U.S. Ambassador Dismisses Claims That West Is Encouraging "Color Revolution" in Serbia | Beta Briefing

U.S. Ambassador Dismisses Claims That West Is Encouraging "Color Revolution" in Serbia

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 29.12.23 | access_time 11:23


U.S. Ambassador to Belgrade Christopher Hill has said that he sees claims by Russian officials that the West is encouraging a "color revolution" or another "Maidan" in Serbia as "ridiculous," adding that no one is encouraging a revolution.

Hill told the Dec. 30 issue of daily Blic that the U.S. had been clear in the stance that the recent elections had revealed shortcomings in electoral processes in Serbia, which it must deal with.

"The international community, including the OSCE, is ready to help. But Serbia's democratic progress ultimately depends on its citizens. The only international actor standing in the way of progress is Russia - not America, not Europe, nor anyone else in the West," said the ambassador.

In his words, Russia has few friends left, especially in Europe, which is why it chose to use the elections in Serbia "in a desperate attempt to stay relevant," and that it is thus trying to sow discord between Serbia and its Euro-Atlantic partners. "All they are offering Serbia is instability and the opposite of progress," added the U.S. ambassador.

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