Vucic: Elections in Serbia a Matter for State Institutions | Beta Briefing

Vucic: Elections in Serbia a Matter for State Institutions

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 03.01.24 | access_time 07:45

Aleksandar Vucic, elections Dec. 17 2023 (BETAPHOTO/MILOS MISKOV)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic rejected on Jan. 2 a request from a part of the opposition for an international probe into alleged electoral irregularities, saying that elections in Serbia "are a question for state institutions."

Vucic said that the past elections in Serbia had transpired "with a never lower number of objections" and that the representatives of the parties on the Serbia Against Violence ticket had signed "all the registries" at polling stations.

"Foreign observers from their sister parties signed all the registries. They remembered that they had a problem when they saw that they lost in Belgrade and convincingly at that. We were behind by as much as eight percent in Belgrade in July-August but we succeeded in winning," Vucic said after visiting the construction site of the Iriski Venac tunnel on the Fruska Gora Corridor near Novi Sad.

Commenting on remarks by the foreign media that Serbia "needs a new opposition," Vucic said that he wanted to know which foreign factor wanted a different government and opposition in Serbia. "I could not care less what the foreign media or governments say, let them deal with themselves and their problems while some of them have more problems than we do. What kind of government and opposition Serbia will have is a question for Serbia's citizens," the president said.


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