EU: License Plates Prove Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Possible | Beta Briefing

EU: License Plates Prove Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Possible

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 09.01.24 | access_time 08:00

Peter Stano (Photo: print screen/youtube)

The implementation of the agreement on motor vehicle license plates has shown that the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue is possible and Brussels is working toward the application of the Ohrid Agreement, legally binding for both sides, within that framework, European Commission spokesman Peter Stano said in Brussels on Jan. 8.

Stano stressed that the dialogue would resume as soon as Serbia's new cabinet is formed and that the EC would assist both sides, as Pristina and Belgrade need to carry out everything that was agreed. European Union members and institutions expect that to happen as soon as possible.

Asked if a top-level meeting in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue could be expected in due time, the EC spokesman said the dialogue continued to advance at all levels and that a meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti would be announced once all conditions were present and an agenda for the meeting was set.

Stano's response to a journalist's remark that Serbia was not progressing toward EU membership for other important reasons was that one could say so, but did not state the reasons. He added that the EU and U.S. were following along closely and voiced the conviction that both sides would redouble their efforts toward the implementation of the Brussels and Ohrid deals this year.

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