Germany’s SCHOTT Pharma Starts Building Factory in Jagodina | Beta Briefing

Germany’s SCHOTT Pharma Starts Building Factory in Jagodina

Source: Beta
Archive / SEE Business | 20.12.23 | access_time 18:24


The German pharmaceutical company SCHOTT Pharma began the construction of a factory on Dec. 20, in the industrial zone of the CT Park in Jagodina, which will employ 350 people.

The new factory will produce glass ampoules for storing medicines and will employ 130 people in the initial phase. “Germany is Serbia’s number one investment partner and we all know what it means for a country when German companies open their branch offices, factories and production capacities there,” Minister for Trade Tomislav Momirovic stated after the ground-breaking ceremony.

He added that, due to its natural resources, structure of the economy, size of the market and technological connections, Serbia was an important partner for Germany in the South East Europe region, stated the Ministry for Trade.

“More than 1,000 German companies operate in Serbia, employing more than 76,000 people. This country is also ranked first in Serbia in the overall value of investment, with 12.8 percent of the total amount of foreign direct investments,” Momirovic said, adding that the government had succeeded in creating a predictable business environment, fair market conditions and political and economic stability.

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