Director Goran Markovic: Societal Decay Began when Once Rabble at Stadium Stands Became the Ruling Elite | Beta Briefing

Director Goran Markovic: Societal Decay Began when Once Rabble at Stadium Stands Became the Ruling Elite

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 23.11.23 | access_time 12:48


Film and theater Goran Markovic has said that Serbia started falling into decay when radical primitivism won in the elections.

“That is how once rabble at stadium stands became the ruling elite. They started bathing and putting on branded clothes,” Markovic said in an editorial published in Belgrade weekly NIN.  

“That initially uncontrollable crowd of thugs has slowly turned into an army of darkness whose every soldier executes their diabolical assignments in a disciplined fashion,” he wrote.

“The hatred against the opponent has moved from stadium stands to the media and the parliament,” Markovic noted.

According to him, “the difference between those in power and those against it is that the former have been fighting for bare life, while the latter have own despair as their only motive.”

“But the cult will lose and fall down some day. If not in the upcoming election, then in hand-to-hand combat with the other side. I still cannot picture who will be our [Maximilien] Robespierre [one of the most influential figures of the French Revolution] or [Georges Jacques] Danton [a leading figure in the French Revolution], but someone will likely come to the front, quite anonymous and angry and brave enough to take matters into their own hands,” Markovic stressed.

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