Vucic: Only Two Election Options Exist – Progressives or a Djilas Slate | Beta Briefing

Vucic: Only Two Election Options Exist – Progressives or a Djilas Slate

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 29.11.23 | access_time 12:12

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic (BETAPHOTO/MILOS MISKOV)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Nov. 29 that there were only two options for voters in the upcoming polls on Dec. 17 – it’s either a vote for the list of candidates “Aleksandar Vucic – Serbia Must Not Stop,” or for “one of Dragan Djilas’s slates.”

“A vote for any list of opposition candidates is a vote for (an opposition leader) Dragan Djilas. This time they are not even trying to hide that it makes no difference. Serbian citizens have only two options to choose from in the elections,” Vucic said in an interview with the Happy TV.

The Serbian president said that if his candidates lost the December vote, he would accept the result, respect the will of the people and let “Djilas’s experts” run Serbia. “If we win, we will care for people even more, and do everything we planned to do in 2024. The average salary will reach EUR1,400. If we win, tectonic changes are in store for Serbia,” Vucic promised.

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