Opposition Convinced of High Voter Turnout, Victory in Belgrade | Beta Briefing

Opposition Convinced of High Voter Turnout, Victory in Belgrade

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 07.12.23 | access_time 13:02


There is a huge chance the opposition will win the Dec. 17 local vote in Belgrade, and even some other cities, if voter turnout is high enough, Freedom and Justice Party leader Dragan Djilas said on Dec. 7.

Speaking for N1 TV, Djilas stated that an opposition win in the parliamentary election would entail the formation of a technical government, “as long as none of the opposition jump ship.”

The goal of this technical government would be to ensure that new elections are held in the immediate future. The plan is simple, Djilas said. Any other course of action would be “catastrophic.”

He also stated that the technical government would not discuss the so-called Franco-German plan for Kosovo – an issue on which the opposition is quite divided.

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