ProGlas Calls for New Elections to Be Held in Six Months, Invites Citizens to Peaceful Protest on Dec. 30 | Beta Briefing

ProGlas Calls for New Elections to Be Held in Six Months, Invites Citizens to Peaceful Protest on Dec. 30

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 26.12.23 | access_time 16:45

Non partisan initiative ProGlas (ProVote)Belgrade, Nov. 7 2023 (BETAPHOTO/MILAN ILIC)

Founders of the ProGlas initiative on Dec. 26 invited citizens to join them at a peaceful protest rally by the Terazijska Cesma fountain in downtown Belgrade, at noon on Dec. 30, and called for new elections to be held in six months because, as they put it, there was plenty of evidence that the most recent elections did not reflect the citizens' free will.

"Come and let us say in a united, peaceful and determined way that we do not agree to changing the will [expressed] in the elections. We do not agree to democracy and rule of law further being rendered meaningless, and we do not agree to the birth of an undisguised autocracy in Serbia," actress Svetlana Bojkovic said on behalf of the ProGlas initiative founders.

In her words, "based on the evidence gathered, it can be concluded without hesitation that the results of the parliamentary, provincial, and local elections do not reflect the free will of citizens," which is why the initiative demands that new parliamentary, provincial, and local elections be held in the entire country within six months after a thorough change of election conditions.

She said that ProGlas fully supported university students in the civil courage they had demonstrated, that it condemned violent attacks on institutions, but also excessive use of force.

"We plead with all those who are on hunger strike to stop jeopardizing their health. We appreciate their sacrifice, but we also believe that human life is sacred," the ProGlas founders said in their message, conveyed by Bojkovic.

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