Serbian Prime Minister Dismisses Opposition Claims of Election Fraud | Beta Briefing

Serbian Prime Minister Dismisses Opposition Claims of Election Fraud

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 17.01.24 | access_time 14:23

Ana Brnabic (Photo: Serbian Government/ Pedja Vuckovic)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic dismissed on Jan. 17 the opposition allegations of  irregular voter registries, election fraud, abuses, and election manipulation displayed in Serbia’s last parliamentary and local polls on Dec. 17.

"If they (the opposition) had any problems, uncertainties, or thought that any ambiguities or manipulation with the voter registries existed, they wouldn't be demanding urgent and quick elections," Brnabic said in an interview with Prva TV.

According to her, opposition protests would occur after any election. "After literally every election, we had to listen to their lamentations that something was stolen, that elections were manipulated, but it would just go away in the end. You can't say an election was stolen if there’s a difference of a million votes between the Aleksandar Vucic - Serbia Must Not Stop ticket and the Serbia Against Violence coalition’s list of candidates," Brnabic was explicit.

The Serbian prime minister said that the opposition "cried to Brussels, Berlin, and Washington," demanding an international investigation into the election process in Serbia. "They are actually diminishing or nullifying the sovereignty of their own state. This is yet another thing that has never been seen before," Brnabic said.

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