Giaufret: Progress in Serbia-Kosovo Normalization Expected Early This Year | Beta Briefing

Giaufret: Progress in Serbia-Kosovo Normalization Expected Early This Year

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 25.01.24 | access_time 17:59


The chief of the European Union’s Delegation in Serbia, Emanuele Giaufret, has stated that progress in the normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo was expected at the start of this year.

“The talks continue and we all expect to make progress in implementing the Agreement on the path to normalization at the start of 2024, providing that the two sides demonstrate the necessary political will, courage and leadership to do that,” he told the Jan. 25 issue of the Nedeljnik weekly.

Giaufret pointed out that the EU enlargement showed to be “a crucial response to Russia’s war of aggression.” “This provides a new opportunity for the Western Balkans, which Serbia must not miss,” he said. He recollected that 59 percent of foreign direct investments in Serbia, in the period from 2010 to 2022, arrived from EU-based companies, and that they had added up to EUR20.3 billion.

He pointed out that the reform process in Serbia had yielded some important reforms, but that much more remained to be done. “It is necessary to invest more effort in fighting corruption and organized crime, imporving cooperation between the government and the civil sector and provide better guarantees for freedom of expression and media,” Giaufret said.

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