Opposition Demands International Investigation into Serbia’s 2023 Elections | Beta Briefing

Opposition Demands International Investigation into Serbia’s 2023 Elections

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 05.02.24 | access_time 13:30


The European Parliament’s (EP) resolution on the Dec. 17, 2023 Serbian elections should include the request for an international investigation, Serbia Against Violence lead candidate Marinika Tepic said on Feb. 5.

Tepic told N1 TV that her coalition insisted that the EP take a stand that would entail some kind of revision of Serbia’s general elections.

In her opinion, the country’s electoral conditions need to be changed because fraud took place before and during the actual voting process.

With regards to the Serbian National Assembly’s constitutive session – scheduled for Feb. 6 – Tepic said that her coalition was not the one which rigged the elections and that they have a duty to represent the people who voted for them.

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