Progressive Party Leader: Dacic Still Hasn't Said Whether He Will Join Movement for People and State | Beta Briefing

Progressive Party Leader: Dacic Still Hasn't Said Whether He Will Join Movement for People and State

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 16.02.24 | access_time 11:57

Milos Vucevic, Sinisa Mali, Belgrade, January 15 2024 (BETAPHOTO/MILAN ILIC)

Serbian Progressive Party leader and Defense Minister Milos Vucevic said on Feb. 16 that he expected Socialist Party of Serbia President Ivica Dacic to say whether his party would join the future Movement for the People and the State or not.

Commenting on some Socialist party officials' statements on joining the Movement, Vucevic told Prva TV that he had talked with Ivica Dacic but could not reveal what Dacic had said to him.

He underscored that the forming of the Movement for the People and the State was still a good idea that aimed to bring together all the parties, citizens' associations, movements, and individuals who wanted a free and independent Serbia.

The Progressives support President Vucic in forming the movement, said Vucevic, adding that Serbia was under a lot of pressure but that it was nevertheless "advancing and developing, while at the same time not abandoning its historical and spiritual heritage."

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