Ex Security Intelligence Agency Chief Vulin: Vucic’s People’s Movement for the State Should Include all Territories where Serbs Live | Beta Briefing

Ex Security Intelligence Agency Chief Vulin: Vucic’s People’s Movement for the State Should Include all Territories where Serbs Live

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 27.02.24 | access_time 13:15


The former chief of the Serbian Security Intelligence Agency (BIA) and the Movement of Socialists leader, Aleksandar Vulin, on Feb. 27 said that if his movement was invited, it would join a People’s Movement for the State, the formation of which had been announced by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

“I am sure that all who have Serbia at their heart will join the movement. It is a movement for defending our rights to survive, live and last,” Vulin told TV Pink.

Vulin also said that “unification and strengthening of the patriotic part of Serbia, the larger and more important part of Serbia, is a necessity, adding he believed that the movement “should not be restricted to within Serbia’s borders, but rather expand beyond them to include all territories where Serbs live.” “I think that it represents the ultimate idea of unification. We have to be a politically unified nation. All successful nations are politically united regardless of where they live or how much their nationals are dispersed around the world,” Vulin stressed. 

Vulin is the one who has invented the term “the Serb world,” which he first mentioned in September 2020, then serving as defense minister. Back then he said that “Vucic should start creating a Serb world. Belgrade must gather all Serbs in and around itself,” adding that “the Serbian president is the president of all Serbs.” 

In November 2023, Vulin stepped down as BIA chief, four months into the sanctions imposed against him by the US Department of the Treasury, accusing him of involvement in transnational organized crime and drug trafficking, as well as of abuse of office.

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