Djilas for Special Law, Postponing Election until ODIHR Recommendations Are Applied | Beta Briefing

Djilas for Special Law, Postponing Election until ODIHR Recommendations Are Applied

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 04.03.24 | access_time 19:01


Freedom and Justice Party president Dragan Djilas said on March 4 that the Serbia Against Violence coalition may not participate in the new election in Belgrade if the ODIHR's recommendations are not applied, adding that special legislation should be passed to postpone the election until after the recommendations are implemented.

Djilas said he doubted Serbian Progressive Party representatives would want to carry out the ODIHR recommendations.

"I expect a European Parliament mission to come to Serbia, maybe even some type of mission from the European Commission, too, and deal with the implementation of the recommendations. If you let [Serbian President Aleksandar] Vucic and [Prime Minister Ana] Brnabic do it, nothing will be implemented," Djilas told N1 TV.

Asked in what configuration the opposition would run in the next election, he said opposition parties should unite, and that the election should be turned into a referendum, in which case victory would be certain.

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