Gabonese Prime Minister: Gabon Not to Support Draft Resolution on Srebrenica | Beta Briefing

Gabonese Prime Minister: Gabon Not to Support Draft Resolution on Srebrenica

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 20.05.24 | access_time 15:47

Raymond Ndong Sima, Milos Vucevic, Belgrade, May 20 2024 (Photo: Serbian Government/Slobodan Miljevic)

Gabon’s Prime Minister Raymond Ndong Sima, visiting Belgrade on May 20, said that his country would not support the adoption of a draft resolution on Srebrenica before the U.N. General Assembly.

After a meeting at the Palace of Serbia with Serbian Prime Minister Milos Vucevic, Sima said during a joint press conference that Gabon respected Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.

“Gabon respects Serbia and everything you’ve been doing as a state, and we expect the same in return. Gabon’s position on old friendship is a constant, and we want to maintain them,” Sima explained.

Vucevic said that that the Resolution was not a mere formality, and that many in Serbia failed to understand the consequences its adoption could have. The Serbian PM said that the adoption of the Resolution by the U.N. General Assembly could have serious ramifications for the destiny of Serbia and Serbian people.

“We greatly appreciate Gabon’s stance. We will see on Thursday who Serbia’s partner is, and who is not. Those who do not act as partners will be treated diplomatically, of course, but we do have a ready answer, too,” the Serbian prime minister said.

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