Foreign Minister: Belgrade Will Fight for Best Possible Outcome at U.N. | Beta Briefing

Foreign Minister: Belgrade Will Fight for Best Possible Outcome at U.N.

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 21.05.24 | access_time 12:15

Marko Djuric (Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Serbia’s delegation and President Aleksandar Vucic will do everything they can to achieve the best possible outcome at the upcoming United Nations General Assembly meeting in New York, where the resolution on Srebrenica is scheduled to be discussed, Minister of Foreign Affairs Marko Djuric said in late-night statement on May 20.

“There’s no doubt that this will entail strong diplomatic action, a serious fight. The pressure being put on not just us, but all countries against the resolution, is enormous. Our lobbying efforts are occurring simultaneously with pressure exerted by countries 20 or more times stronger than Serbia. The countries against it are, in certain areas and situations, facing huge pushback,” Djuric explained.

The foreign minister added that, a month ago, the adoption of the resolution by the U.N. had “seemed like a done deal.”

“I wouldn’t like to raise expectations, but it’s evident that things are not going and won’t go the way the authors of the resolution envisaged,” Djuric said.

The U.N. General Assembly is set to vote on the International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica resolution on May 23.

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