Opposition Candidate for Belgrade Mayor Says Will Examine All Damaging Contracts Signed by Authorities | Beta Briefing

Opposition Candidate for Belgrade Mayor Says Will Examine All Damaging Contracts Signed by Authorities

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 21.05.24 | access_time 18:59

Dobrica Veselinovic (BETAPHOTO/MILOS MISKOV)

I Choose Belgrade candidate for Belgrade mayor Dobrica Veselinovic said on May 21 that the coalition, when it came to power, would examine all of the damaging and corrupt contracts reached by the incumbent city authorities.

"One of our first moves will be to open and revise all damaging contracts and establish an anti-corruption forensic team which will examine all procedures and launch proceedings before courts," he told a news conference.

Veselinovic said that the incumbent city government was investing in Belgrade Waterfront projects, while neglecting other parts of the city. He stressed that there were not enough kindergartens in Belgrade and that city transportation was bad due to rampant corruption, tenders were being fixed and meaningless projects like the Slavija fountain were being financed, while streets were being rebuilt multiple times.

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