U.N. Adviser on Prevention of Genocide: General Assembly Stands by Victims | Beta Briefing

U.N. Adviser on Prevention of Genocide: General Assembly Stands by Victims

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 27.05.24 | access_time 07:19

United Nations Security Council (Photo:UN/Loey Felipe)

Alice Wairimu Nderity, U.N. special adviser on the prevention of genocide, said on May 25 that by adopting the U.N. Resolution on the Day of Remembrance for the genocide in Srebrenica the General Assembly had stood by the victims of genocide.

"This shows that the General Assembly is standing by the victims of the crime of genocide, as judged by a court of law. I also feel that it is of key importance for honoring the victims and ensuring that they are not forgotten -- due to the efforts to provide justice for them," the official told the Voice of America.

She said the stance of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and representatives of the Serbian authorities that the resolution on Srebrenica incriminated the Serb people or stamped them as genocidal was "absolutely incorrect."

No one mentions Serbia. However, there is a lot of work ahead. A few weeks ago I received a video of young people in Serbia saying they want to free themselves of war narratives. The same was conveyed to me during a visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina. We should continue to talk to each other and not close the door. We need to continue to talk with the president of Serbia. We need to recognize why Serbia feels targeted by this resolution, she said.

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