Albanians Protest in Bujanovac, Accusing Belgrade of Discrimination | Beta Briefing

Albanians Protest in Bujanovac, Accusing Belgrade of Discrimination

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 12.08.24 | access_time 16:07

Bujanovac (BETAPHOTO/Sasa Djordjevic)

During an Aug. 12 rally in Bujanovac, held by Albanians alleging discrimination by the authorities in Belgrade, Albanian politicians said they "will no longer be silent about repression the Albanian community suffers."

The Albanian politicians in Serbia’s south called upon the international community to put pressure on Serbia to meet the Albanian demands, heralding new protests as well. "The Government of Serbia does not recognize our rights, or our diplomas, deactivating our places of residence, refusing to integrate us," MP Shaip Kamberi was quoted as saying by the Bujanovacke portal.

According to the Serbian MP, the authorities in Serbia were violating the foundations of the European Union, whose representatives had mediated the talks that produced three agreements since 2001. "Belgrade is using dual standards. Without any symmetry in rights, there is no stability. Unfortunately, some European centers are turning a blind eye to Serbia’s actions," Kamberi added.

The protesters carried Albanian and American flags, and the Albanian national anthem opened the rally. At the end of the gathering, a declaration was read out demanding that the authorities in Belgrade implement and respect the three agreements signed so far between the Serbian government and Albanian representatives, with a particular emphasis on the 2013 plan for the integration of Albanians. The protest was peaceful, without any incidents.

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