Vulin Says He Personally Made Lists of the Unwelcome in Serbia while Interior Minister and Intelligence Chief | Beta Briefing

Vulin Says He Personally Made Lists of the Unwelcome in Serbia while Interior Minister and Intelligence Chief

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 27.08.24 | access_time 16:39


Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vulin on Aug. 27 said he had made the lists of individuals who should be banned from entering Serbia “by law and conscious,” while serving as interior minister and head of the Security and Information Agency (BIA).

Commenting on the ongoing frenzy against Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic for Croatian pop star Severina Vuckovic being halted and questioned at the Serbian border, Vulin, also the Movement of Socialists leader, said he regretted he had not paid more attention to the lists, because he now saw “how many scumbags have been unjustly forgotten.” He added that Vucic “was not consulted about the lists, nor should he had been.”

“All those scumbags who think that Serbs do have their state nor self-respect can face just the opposite when told at our borders that they were unwelcome. Some for singing about (Naser) Oric’s slaughter of Serbs on Christmas, some for beating up our children at music concerts and cursing their Serb mothers on social networks…are on those lists which I personally made... They also include foreign nationals who were coming to Serbia to participate in violent protests, and also drug bosses who are now sowing fear from Sarajevo to Pristina and Skopje”, Vulin said, according to his party release. 

Vulin added that he had also “added to the list of individuals who should be halted and subject to stricter checks the MPs in the Montenegrin Parliament who voted to proclaim Serbia a genocidal country.” Vulin further said he had personally put on the list “the Serbs laying flowers on graves of Shqiptar killers and a number of Ustashas in Vukovar”. 

“Each and every one of them were whining and begging to be taken off the list and be allowed entry, and each and every one of them were saying there were people worse than them, insisting they did not think what they had been singing or talking, and each and every one of them were saying the ban was costing them money or preventing them from managing their property in Serbia. Some of them begged personally, some also through their managers or their home states. Many tried to in secrecy reach President Aleksandar Vucic whom they had bashed in the past,” Vulin said.

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