Foreign Minister: Serbia’s Presence in Tonga Develops a New Base of Friends | Beta Briefing

Foreign Minister: Serbia’s Presence in Tonga Develops a New Base of Friends

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 28.08.24 | access_time 14:40

Marko Djuric (Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Marko Djuric said during an Aug. 28 visit to Nuku'alofa, the capital of Tonga, hosting the 53rd meeting of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) leaders, that Serbia had made a strategic move in its relations with the Pacific region by participating in this event.

In a statement to reporters, the Serbian foreign minister said that by attending the summit, Serbia placed itself on the map of countries with which it previously had almost no relations, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported.

“It also makes us a factor in relations with countries that are much larger, much stronger, and much closer to our region,” the minister noted, adding that by strengthening its presence in that region, Serbia "elevates its position as an international player, carrying weight in relations with the states that are closer, too."

Djuric is representing Serbia at the meeting of Pacific Islands Forum leaders in Tonga.

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