Kosovo Serbs to Meet with Opposition in Belgrade on Sept. 28 | Beta Briefing

Kosovo Serbs to Meet with Opposition in Belgrade on Sept. 28

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 18.09.24 | access_time 13:42

Kosovska Mitrovica (BETAPHOTO/Armenija Zajmi Besevic)

The Serbian National Council of Kosovo and Metohija announced on Sept. 18 that its representatives would meet with opposition politicians in Belgrade on Sept. 28, to discuss "a new strategy in the fight for the Serbs to survive and stay in Kosovo and Metohija."

"Concerned about the catastrophic situation the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija have found themselves in, the Serbian National Council from Gracanica, the Serbian National Forum from Gracanica, and the People's Movement of the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija "Homeland" from Kosovska Mitrovica have requested an urgent meeting with the Serbian opposition parties, relevant movements and associations whose interest is in Kosovo and Metohija," says a news release.

According to the release, after consultations with all the leaders of opposition parties, movements and associations in Serbia, the Serbian National Council scheduled a round table on that topic for Sept. 28 in Belgrade, and all the leaders have confirmed their participation in it.

In addition to representatives of the Serbian National Council of Kosovo and Metohija, the Serbian National Forum and "Homeland" as the event organizers, the leaders of Serb political parties from Kosovo and Metohija have also been invited to the meeting.

The participants will be offered a draft framework for the making of the strategy.

Representatives of these associations earlier met with academicians and representatives of the ProGlas organization, to discuss the position of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija.

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