Working Group Formed to Draft Public Media Act | Beta Briefing

Working Group Formed to Draft Public Media Act

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 18.09.24 | access_time 15:08

Serbian Public Broadcasting Service (BETAPHOTO/AMIR HAMZAGIC)

A working group has been established to draft a new Law on Public Media Services under a decree issued by the Ministry of Information and Telecommunications, the Journalists' Association of Serbia reported on Sept. 18.

The group consists of 14 members, representing the Ministry, public media services, associations of journalists and media organizations. Chairing the Working Group is Minister of Information and Telecommunications Dejan Ristic, and his deputy is State Secretary for Public Information Milos Garic.

"The Working Group has been tasked with drafting the text of the Law on Public Media Services and its rationale, which will be submitted to the Ministry of Information and Telecommunications by Nov. 1 at the latest," the Association explained.

According to the Decree, the version of the draft law confirmed by the Working Group must be aligned with the measures prescribed by the Strategy for the Development of the Public Information System in Serbia from 2020 to 2025, and harmonized with the European Union’s legislation in this field.

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