Opposition Official: We Expect Argumented Debate on Lithium | Beta Briefing

Opposition Official: We Expect Argumented Debate on Lithium

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 18.09.24 | access_time 17:52


The whip of the Green-Left Front parliamentary caucus, Radomir Lazovic, stated on Sept. 18 that a session of the parliament about the ban on lithium mining was expected to be held next week, right after the debate about the budget rebalance, and announced that the opposition wished to utilize the live broadcast on RTS to present the arguments against lithium mining.

Lazovic told reporters after the collegium meeting at the Assembly of Serbia that the session on the rebalance was scheduled for 10 a.m. on Sept. 23, while the session on banning lithium mining, which the opposition requested, will be held after it.

“We have, as the opposition, proposed a law that would ban lithium mining and we believe it is necessary to adopt it, but we also requested the forming of a committee to establish the fate of the initiative, signed by 38,000 people, for banning lithium mining. Naturally, if the law were to be adopted, that would not be necessary, but we would also not want the theft of this important document to be overlooked,” Lazovic stated.

He stressed that the opposition proposed a ban on the mining because the expert public had described the project as risky, that pollution would spread in the environment and that there were many arguments in favor of the ban.

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