Serbian PM: Serbs in Montenegro Have Preserved their National Identity | Beta Briefing

Serbian PM: Serbs in Montenegro Have Preserved their National Identity

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 22.10.24 | access_time 16:31

Milos Vucevic (Photo: PrintScreen

Serbian Prime Minister Milos Vucevic on Oct. 22 said that the latest population census in Montenegro was an internal matter, but added it was important to underline that the local Serbs had preserved their national identity. 

In a meeting with Montenegro’s Parliament speaker Andrija Mandic, Vucevic said that Serbia would always insist that the rights of the Serb people were ensured in line with the European standards, as it had been doing in communication with other countries, according to a statement from the Serbian Government. 

“Montenegro is a country which throughout its history has had no one closer than Serbia. Behind us are the years of artificially created divisions, while ahead are the days of a new chapter in our bilateral relations,” Vucevic stressed. He also said that Serbia and Montenegro had good economic ties as well as bilateral trade and services, adding he was willing to work on further developing the relations between “the two brotherly and friendly countries.” 

The Serbian prime minister said he hoped to see a Montenegro’s ambassador in Belgrade shortly. Mandic said it was very important for Montenegro to maintain the best possible ties and cooperation with Serbia, adding that two such close states should be creating models of cooperation that would be in the interest of citizens. 

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