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The BETA News Agency will support the drive of students and various workers’ associations on Friday, Jan. 24, i.e. their general strike, in support of demands for establishing the responsibility for the death of 15 people in the collapse of the concrete canopy at the Novi Sad railway station, and for attacks on students during blockades.
With this decision, BETA also supports the initiative of the Media Freedom Coalition and will not broadcast news in the period from 11:52 a.m. to 12:07 p.m. on that day, and an illustration by Marko Somborac will be posted on the agency’s communication channels.
Before and after that period, BETA will be reporting about the general strike in Serbia and other relevant events in the country and abroad. By interrupting broadcasts on Friday, Jan. 24, from 11:52 to 12:07, BETA will also pay homage to the people who were killed in Novi Sad on Nov. 1, 2024.
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