Strasbourg(Photo:PrintScreen YouTube)
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has expressed concern over attacks on and campaigns against journalists, media outlets, human rights defenders and civil society activists in Serbia.
The annual report and resolution to be adopted at the regular winter session of PACE in Strasbourg also express concern over the frequency of early elections and call on the authorities to adopt additional amendments to election legislation to address long-standing issues identified by the Venice Commission.
PACE expects the Serbian authorities to resume a peaceful dialogue with Pristina in order to resolve all remaining issues and not disrupt the execution of the recommendations in Opinion 302 of 2024 on Pristina's bid for membership in the Council of Europe. The documents praise the ongoing judicial reforms and progress in carrying out the recommendations of GRECO, the Council of Europe's corruption monitoring body, but note the expectation that the authorities address remaining issues quickly.
The outline resolution, which will be on PACE's agenda on Jan. 27 together with the annual progress report, urges the authorities to take additional measures to prevent and fight abuses by law enforcement, and show a true commitment to the investigation and prosecution of war crimes.
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