Presidential, Parliamentary Elections Called in North Macedonia | Beta Briefing

Presidential, Parliamentary Elections Called in North Macedonia

Source: Beta
News / Region | 19.02.24 | access_time 09:36

Regional command of the KFOR’s regional mission West in Pec (BETAPHOTO/CABINET OF THE PRESIDENT OF NORTH MACEDONIA)

North Macedonia’s Speaker Jovan Mitreski called on Feb. 14 presidential and parliamentary elections for this spring.

“The first round of presidential polls will take place on April 24, and the second round will overlap with parliamentary elections on May 8,” Mitrevski said after he had signed ordinances to schedule the national polls.

The speaker said that in the coming period all competent institutions and all subjects involved in the election process would contribute to fair and democratic elections which would be conducted as befitted a democracy, a NATO member and a state that had taken the path to full membership in the European Union which it deserved.

Mitreski said that the deadlines for the country’s 7th presidential vote and 11th parliamentary election would start running as of the date on which they were published in the Official Gazette.

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