Dveri Leader: Government, Part of Opposition Running from Elections | Beta Briefing

Dveri Leader: Government, Part of Opposition Running from Elections

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 13.07.23 | access_time 20:16

Bosko Obradovic (Photo: Serbian Movement Dveri)

Serbia Dveri Movement president Bosko Obradovic said on July 13 that the only reasonable, peaceful and democratic solution to the current political crisis were elections on all levels.

"A provisional government is also the correct and wise democratic solution for the interim of six to nine months until elections, which is not our invention but was used in similar political crises in other countries as well, such as Austria, Montenegro and North Macedonia," Obradovic said in a piece published by the Politka newspaper.

He said that the goal of the provisional government was to ensure peace in society, the freedom of the media and fair elections and stop any form of abuse of the media, voter rolls or public resources.

"However, the government and a portion of the pro-Western opposition is running from elections which poses the question of why. Although Prime Minister Ana Brnabic pledged that she would resign a month ago, she still hasn't. Despite president of the republic Aleksandar Vucic announcing a snap election in the fall, their date is still unknown. Why?" Obradovic asked.

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