Office for Kosovo and Metohija Chief: Pristina, Not Belgrade Obstructing Roadmap for Energy Agreements Implementation | Beta Briefing

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Chief: Pristina, Not Belgrade Obstructing Roadmap for Energy Agreements Implementation

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 08.08.23 | access_time 12:24


The Office for Kosovo and Metohija chief, Petar Petkovic, in the evening on Aug. 7, described as “spins” the statements of Kosovo Vice-Premier Besnik Bislimi in relation to “the roadmap” for implementing energy agreements, and called on him to present the facts.

Bislimi has requested that Serbia fulfilled the commitments deriving from “the roadmap” for implementing energy agreements.

On his X (former Twitter) account, Petkovic has written that Pristina “has been obstructing the roadmap” for energy agreements implementation.

“Since October, Pristina has been obstructing “the roadmap” for implementing energy agreements. In March, Belgrade pressed for a resolution of this matter. In April, Belgrade’s delegation at a meeting in Brussels also included all relevant experts, while Bislimi showed up alone,” Petkovic recalled.

He also said that Belgrade had been two months waiting for an answer from Pristina, stressing that “it is obvious who has been sabotaging the agreement.”

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