Dacic Visits Skopje to Attend 100th Anniversary of North Macedonian Air Force | Beta Briefing

Dacic Visits Skopje to Attend 100th Anniversary of North Macedonian Air Force

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 18.09.23 | access_time 08:33

Ivica Dacic, Belgrade, April 19 2023 (BETAPHOTO/AMIR HAMZAGIC)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said in Skopje on Sept. 16 that the celebration of the centennial of the North Macedonian Air Force sent the political message that Serbia and North Macedonia were committed to additional strengthening relations in the interest of a more prosperous future for their citizens.

Dacic attended a celebration at the Stenkovec recreational airfield outside Skopje, the ministry said in a press release.

"This air show, in addition to the Macedonian and Serbian air forces includes the civil and military aviations of Italy, Greece and other countries, is a clear indication of the interest of states, economies and citizens in these parts in establishing even better mutual ties, but also of the awareness of a shared responsibility to preserve peace and security as prerequisites for accelerated economic and social development," Dacic said in an address.

He stressed that Serbia and North Macedonia had "brotherly relations" and excellent cooperation within the Open Balkans initiative and other regional forums. "The marking of 100 years of the Macedonian air force in Skopje is a good opportunity to 'put to work' all of the unused potential that undoubtedly exists toward the further, even more comprehensive and mutually useful development of our relations," Dacic added, stressing the two countries cultural and economic ties.

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