Rama Wants NATO to Send More Troops to Kosovo, Guarantee Border with Serbia | Beta Briefing

Rama Wants NATO to Send More Troops to Kosovo, Guarantee Border with Serbia

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 22.11.23 | access_time 17:03

Edi Rama, Jens Stoltenberg, Dimitar Kovacevski,Skopje, Nov.22 2023( BETAPHOTO/Government of North Macedonia)

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama stated in Skopje on Nov. 22 that NATO had to increase the number of its troops in Kosovo and guarantee the border with Serbia.

“I have stressed the need for more NATO forces in Kosovo and for guaranteeing the border between Kosovo and Serbia, which is de facto out of control,” Rama said at a joint news conference with NATO General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg and leaders of NATO member countries from the region.

Stoltenberg said the Western Balkan region was strategically important for NATO. He added that the Alliance saw no direct military threat to any of the allies in the region, but did see the rising tension, particularly in Kosovo, but also in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“Yes, we are concerned with the developments in certain countries in this region, but I believe at the same time that the power and significance of NATO should be recognized. We have increased our presence in Kosovo with 1,000 additional troops and heavy armaments and, naturally, we are cautious, we are carefully monitoring the situation and we will do everything to protect all allies. When our neighbors are more stable, we are more secure,” Stoltenberg said.

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