Serbia Is Still North Macedonia’s Greatest Friend | Beta Briefing

Serbia Is Still North Macedonia’s Greatest Friend

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 28.12.23 | access_time 18:00

The downtown of Skopje (BetaPhoto/Svetlana Dojcinovic)

More than a third of citizens of North Macedonia still view Serbia as the greatest friend of their country, although their percentage is a little lower than six months ago, according to the results of the latest opinion poll of the Prespa Institute.

The results of the survey, carried out between the end of November and start of December and published on Dec. 28, show that 38.2 percent of Macedonian citizens view Serbia as the greatest friend of North Macedonia, down from 45.3 percent in May.

Kosovo and Albania also registered a drop in the same survey, while the EU, U.S. and NATO all showed better percentages compared to May. The European Union is now second with 11.1 percent of citizens viewing it as their country’s greatest friend, while 5.1 percent shared that view in May.

The U.S. is third with 7.7 percent, up from 6.8 percent in May, while the number of Macedonian citizens who believe NATO is the country’s greatest friend grew from 1.1 points in May to 3.8 in the latest poll. Kosovo is viewed as the greatest friend by 2.9 percent of participants, which is three times less than six months ago, when that percentage was 9.9. Albania has dropped from 5.6 points in May to 3.4 in December.

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