Defense Minister: We Are Launching an Initiative to Reintroduce Mandatory Military Service | Beta Briefing

Defense Minister: We Are Launching an Initiative to Reintroduce Mandatory Military Service

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 04.01.24 | access_time 11:40


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic has announced that his ministry and the Serbian Army’s General Staff will launch an initiative on Jan. 4 to reintroduce mandatory military service to Serbia, adding that this duty will take up to four months.

Speaking for Happy TV, Vucevic explained that obligatory army service in Serbia was never abolished but merely suspended, and that the state has the right to reverse this decision at any time.

“A new evaluation of the security situation has been performed. We need new recruits. We are not preparing for any kind of war, but require this so that the state remains strong and ready to defend itself,” the minister concluded.

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