EBRD Underwrites Projects in Serbia in 2023 with EUR846 Million | Beta Briefing

EBRD Underwrites Projects in Serbia in 2023 with EUR846 Million

Source: Beta
Archive / SEE Business | 25.01.24 | access_time 15:27

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - EBRD (Photo: YTPrintScreen)

Thet European Bank for Reconstruction and Developmen (EBRD) financed projects in Serbia last year with a record EUR846 million, which is almost EUR200 million more than in 2022, a Jan. 25 statement said.

"We are very proud of our results in Serbia last year where we offered record investments and provided support to the economy. Serbia is among the EBRD's five largest markets for the first time which is even more significant considering the size of its economy," EBRD regional director for the Western Balkans Matteo Colangeli said.

He said that the bank financed important projects in the areas of the energy sector, infrastructure, innovation, attracting direct foreign investment and support for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Last year the EBRD financed 28 projects in Serbia, with a strong focus on green transition, digital progress and economic inclusion, the bank said in the statement. It added that its main focus was on energy where it provided a EUR300 million loan to the state Elektroprivreda Srbije power company, along with a major package of technical aid for supporting reforms in company and more broadly in the sector.

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