Serbian Movement Dveri: Statehood and Patriotic Opposition Parties To Join Forces Pre or Post-Election | Beta Briefing

Serbian Movement Dveri: Statehood and Patriotic Opposition Parties To Join Forces Pre or Post-Election

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 31.10.23 | access_time 13:04


Serbian Movement Dveri leader Bosko Obradovic has said that “statehood and patriotic” opposition parties will surely come together, wherein it is not important whether it will happen pre or post the election, which is most likely to be held on Dec. 17/

“In the hitherto talks, there has been unanimous agreement among us that the French-German ultimatum for Belgrade’s recognition of false state of Kosovo, which [Serbian President Aleksandar] Vucic has already accepted in Brussels, must be rejected. Regardless of technical aspects of a potential pre-election coalition, which have been still discussed, collaboration of the patriotic parties has remained unquestioning,” Obradovic told the 31 issue of Belgrade daily Danas.

According to Obradovic, Movement Dveri has evidenced its commitment to “a wider fusion of statehood and patriotic parties” in the form of a national alliance, which in addition to his party, also comprises the Oath Keepers and a group of Serbian intellectuals.

“We remain fully open to further enlargement of such national alliance, by taking in other parliamentary and non-parliamentary political parties, patriotic associations and individuals, which will be communicated to the public in the coming days,” Obradovic stressed.

In the meeting held during the past weekend, the Movement Dveri, the Oath Keepers, the New Democratic Party of Serbia, the Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia, and the People’s Party failed to come to an agreement to run on the same ticket in the upcoming elections. According to some of these parties’ leaders, they will most probably run on two tickets.  

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