Kosovo Official: No Elections for Serbian Parliament in Kosovo, Unless Serbia Sends Request | Beta Briefing

Kosovo Official: No Elections for Serbian Parliament in Kosovo, Unless Serbia Sends Request

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 30.11.23 | access_time 17:11


The deputy premier of Kosovo, Besnik Bislimi, stated on Nov. 30 that the Kosovo government would not allow the holding of elections for the Serbian parliament in Kosovo if Serbia does not send a request for it.

In a response to EU Spokesman Peter Stano, who has criticized Kosovo for not allowing the holding of elections in the territory of Kosovo, he stated that an attempt to organize elections “of other countries in Kosovo” without first requesting it was not in the spirit of the dialogue and that, unless there was a direct official request from Serbia, there could be no decision on the matter.

“No elections are planned for this year in our country. If authorities of other countries would prefer to organize elections in Kosova for their diaspora, they need to officially ask our authorities for a positive decision & support. Trying to organize such elections without a prior request or positive decision, is not in the spirit of the dialogue and does not contribute to trust building. As long as there is no official direct request, there can be no decision. Mr. Stano is supposed to know this,” Bislimi posted on the X platform (formerly Twitter).

Stano has stated that it was regrettable that the Kosovo authorities had not allowed the established practice of allowing the Kosovo Serbs to vote in Kosovo in the parliamentary elections in Serbia with OSCE’s facilitation, and that this decision was not in the spirit of the dialogue.

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