Dacic: Serbia Grateful for ODIHR Observers at Elections in Serbia | Beta Briefing

Dacic: Serbia Grateful for ODIHR Observers at Elections in Serbia

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 30.11.23 | access_time 17:31


Serbia is grateful for the fact that observers of OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) would monitor the forthcoming Dec. 17 parliamentary elections in Serbia, Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic stated in Skopje on Nov. 30.

The Foreign Ministry of Serbia announced that Dacic told this to ODIHR Director Matteo Mecacci whom he met with on the sidelines of the OSCE ministerial meeting.

Dacic said that Serbia would continue working on improving the election process in accordance with recommendations of ODIHR and that it expected cooperation to continue in other matters, as well. Dacic and Mecacci concurred that cooperation between Serbia and ODIHR was one of friends and partners, with mutual trust, “with the aim of improving the election process, strengthening of democratic institutions and implementing reforms in priority sectors,” the statement reads.

Dacic added that Serbia viewed ODIHR as one of the pillars of OSCE and “an irreplaceable partner in the human dimension field of OSCE and in building a democratic society.”

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