Lazovic: Signature Forgery Testament to Progressives' Serious Decline | Beta Briefing

Lazovic: Signature Forgery Testament to Progressives' Serious Decline

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 01.12.23 | access_time 11:48


Number one on the Serbia Against Violence ticket for the general election, Radomir Lazovic, said on Dec. 1 that forged signatures and other malfeasance carried out in a bid to register as many election tickets as possible, especially in Belgrade, showed that the Serbian Progressive Party was "in serious decline."

"The Serbian Progressive Party will do anything to stop change and the victory of the Serbia Against Violence coalition, by altering the electoral will of the citizens. There are many people on the tickets on which these signatures were forged, and it is particularly cynical that among them are the signatures of journalist Jelena Zoric, which are on as many as two election tickets, and of actress Bojana Maljevic," the Green-Left Front party, of which Lazovic is the vice president, quoted him as saying.

Lazovic said the Progressives had been "caught in the act" and that the Serbia Against Violence ticket had managed to stop them and press criminal charges. 

The Green-Left Front and the Serbia Against Violence coalition have been calling on citizens to apply for positions of election supervisors, so as to stop vote theft also on election day.

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