Serbia Mulling over Running for Host of Next COP29 Climate Conference | Beta Briefing

Serbia Mulling over Running for Host of Next COP29 Climate Conference

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 08.12.23 | access_time 11:31

Belgrade, panorama (BETAPHOTO/MILOS MISKOV)

Moldova has applied to chair the next U.N. COP29 climate conference, but Serbia is also thinking about running for the position, Reuters has learned from people in the know and from a document it had access to.

The two parties' candidacies are an attempt to resolve the geopolitical dispute because of which the host of the next COP29 has not been chosen yet.

According to Reuters, the negotiations on who will take over organization of the gathering from the host of the current COP28 summit, the United Arab Emirates, hit an unprecedented roadblock as countries in the Eastern European region, from which the next summit's host is to be picked, cannot agree on a candidate.

Moldova has reported only that it is presiding over the negotiations, according to a letter it has sent the other Eastern European countries and which Reuters had access to. But it has not offered to host the big event, sources well-acquainted with the subject say.

In the words of unnamed sources, Serbia is considering running for both summit host and chair of COP29, but has not made an official offer yet.

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