Non-partisan Proglas Initiative Calls for Annulment of Elections | Beta Briefing

Non-partisan Proglas Initiative Calls for Annulment of Elections

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 03.01.24 | access_time 07:55

Speakers at a rally organized by the non-partisan ProGlas initiative on Dec. 30 said that the latest elections in Serbia were rigged and had to be annulled and repeated under better electoral conditions.

One of the ProGlas manifest signatories, Prof. Filip Ejdus, said that citizens would not accept results of rigged elections or arrests of students, nor would they allow “the darkness of single-party dictatorship to fall upon Serbia.” He called on the gathered people to create a society where such things would not be possible, wherein the first steps toward that goal would be to process all who had facilitated electoral frauds, annul elections and schedule new polls, but only six month into thorough changes of the electoral conditions.

One of the leaders of the Serbia Against Violence coalition, Radomir Lazovic, said that the large number of people at the rally confirmed that citizens were ready to fight for a Serbia where people would live freely and normally, noting that protests would continue so as to carry “the flame” into the next year.

“This is evidence that we are going into the New Year as a new year of hope that Serbia will be able to win against the crime, violence and fear we witnessed in the previous year,” Lazovic told BETA shortly after the end of the ProGlas initiative rally titled “We Refuse to Accept.”

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