Progressives Say Cabinet Will Be Formed shortly | Beta Briefing

Progressives Say Cabinet Will Be Formed shortly

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 11.01.24 | access_time 12:51

Milos Vucevic, Belgrade, July 24 2023.(BETAPHOTO/Defense Ministry/Darimir Banda)

The ruling Serbian Progressive Party leader, Milos Vucevic, on Jan. 11 said that a new Serbian government would take shorter to form than after the previous elections, noting though that the process was a matter of political agreement.  

“For citizens, it is most important that everything is functioning, including ministries and all state institutions. There has been no legal vacuum in the period until formation of a new cabinet. The caretaker government has been performing its duties. A new cabinet will of course, operate fully in its function,” Vucevic told state public broadcaster RTS.

Vucevic also said he expected a new parliament to be elected “around Serbia’s Statehood Day” (February 15), to be followed by talks on government formation.

Commenting on the initiative to reinstate mandatory military service, Vucevic, currently serving as defense minister, said that the Serbian Army General Staff would pursue the idea.

Vucevic also said he was not optimistic about the chances of Belgrade and Pristina reaching an agreement on Kosovo and Metohija by the end of the year.

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