Extraordinary Session of U.N.S.C. Scheduled for Feb. 8 | Beta Briefing

Extraordinary Session of U.N.S.C. Scheduled for Feb. 8

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 07.02.24 | access_time 12:10

United Nations Security Council (Photo:UN/Loey Felipe)

At Serbia’s request, an extraordinary session of the United Nations Security Council has been scheduled for Feb. 8, to discuss the situation in Kosovo, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic announced on Feb. 7.

Speaking for the RTS public service, Dacic stated that he was told by his Guayanan counterpart, whose country is currently chairing the Security Council, that the session on Kosovo will be open.

“If this is true, I’d like to commend Guayana for managing to resist all diplomatic pressures,” Dacic said.

He added that it is essential for Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s address to be “visible” and for all the reasons and arguments behind Serbia’s request for the session to be made known.

“We believe that the reason [for a closed session] would be either to prevent the global public from learning what is happening in Kosovo and Metohija or to enable the dissemination of lies by international media,” Dacic stated.

Citing the current situation in Kosovo, Serbia submitted a petition for the extraordinary session to the Guayanan mission on Feb. 5.

The request stated that the ongoing state of affairs in Kosovo is “in direct opposition to the U.N. Charter and U.N.S.C. Resolution 1244,” which warrants an emergency session of the Security Council.

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