A Democrat: No Logic in Boycotting Local Polls in Belgrade | Beta Briefing

A Democrat: No Logic in Boycotting Local Polls in Belgrade

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 24.04.24 | access_time 15:42


A deputy president of the Democratic Party, Dragana Rakic, said on April 24 that there’s no logic in promoting a boycott of Belgrade polls while leaving it up to local party chapters to decide whether they would run locally or not.

“If our goal is to fight for better election conditions, the idea makes no sense, because electoral terms are not better outside Belgrade. Quite the opposite, they are worse, and it’s very difficult to give voters a logical explanation of the decision not to run in Belgrade,” Rakic said in an interview for the Nova paper.

“Free and fair elections are possible only when another government, following this one, schedules them. Aleksandar Vucic’s regime will have to be defeated under these, very poor election terms, and that’s exactly what we will do,” the Democrat said.

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