Djilas Urges Opposition Parties to Withdraw their Candidates | Beta Briefing

Djilas Urges Opposition Parties to Withdraw their Candidates

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 15.05.24 | access_time 16:17


The Freedom and Justice Party leader, Dragan Djilas, urged opposition parties on May 15 to withdraw their tickets, because, as he put it, “not even a minimum of requirements for a legal election process has been met.”

In a comment for Djilas said that instead of sharing his opinion on the events surrounding opposition tickets, he’d rather appeal to all opposition parties to be reasonable and accountable.

“Let’s fight for Belgrade and other Serbian cities by fighting for proper elections in the future, for every generation to come,” Djilas said.

Djilas urged all opposition parties to “remove barriers and put aside their egos in order to accomplish a historic victory that would end Aleksandar Vucic’s rule.”

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