Speaker Brnabic: The Proposed Resolution is a Farce, I’ve Never Been More Concerned over Peace in the Balkans | Beta Briefing

Speaker Brnabic: The Proposed Resolution is a Farce, I’ve Never Been More Concerned over Peace in the Balkans

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 23.05.24 | access_time 13:00


On May 23, Serbian National Assembly Speaker Ana Brnabic told Pink TV that the International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica resolution proposed before the United Nations is a “farce” and that she has never been as worried over peace in the Balkans as she is now.

“I call on everyone from the European Union to ask themselves what Bosnia and Herzegovina will look like after the resolution is voted on. Will it be a more peaceful, more stable country, where there is increased understanding between Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs, or will it be less stable, where a single incident can set everything on fire? And who has done this? Well, first of all, Germany, followed by everyone from the EU and all those who will vote in favour of such a resolution,” Brnabic said, emphasizing that certain countries have been pressured into voting and were threatened.

According to her, the Western proposers of the resolution “have put a match” to regional relations.

“Shame on you. Firstly, on you from Germany. Shame on you for what you’re doing to the people of the Balkans, all the people in the Balkans, foremost to the Serbian people, but to everyone else in the Balkans as well. This will bring no good to anyone. But [the proposers] have their micro-goals, for which they are ready to sacrifice everything, to sacrifice peace and open a new hotspot,” the parliament speaker stated.

One such indirect goal, Brnabic said, could be Germany’s desire to dilute the meaning of the word ‘genocide.’ On top of all this, Brnabic added, the way the resolution was put forth spells the beginning of the end of the United Nations because it went against everything stipulated by the U.N. Charter.

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