Djuric: Serbia Recognized as Reliable, Honest Friend in the Western Hemisphere | Beta Briefing

Djuric: Serbia Recognized as Reliable, Honest Friend in the Western Hemisphere

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 01.07.24 | access_time 08:56

Marko Djuric (Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Serbian Foreign Minister Marko Djuric, who participated in the 54th regular session of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States in Paraguay, said on June 28 that “the Western Hemisphere recognizes Serbia as a reliable and honest friend.”

Djuric said that the visit was a great opportunity for Serbia, which holds the status of a permanent observer in the Organization of American States, to profile itself as a state that is building stronger economic, political and cultural ties with that part of the world.

“Serbia uses every opportunity to strengthen ties with the states in this part of the world, and we believe this to be our comparative advantage over some other states in our region,” Djuric was quoted as saying by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“Serbia is a gateway to the European continent for many of these states. It offers Serbia many opportunities for growth,” Djuric said, adding that he had a series of fringe meetings with his Central, Latin American and Caribbean counterparts, as well as with representatives of North American states.

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