Kosovo Police Raid All Serbian Post Offices in Northern Kosovo | Beta Briefing

Kosovo Police Raid All Serbian Post Offices in Northern Kosovo

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 05.08.24 | access_time 19:43

Kosovska Mitrovica (BETAPHOTO/Armenija Zajmi Besevic)

On Aug. 5, the Kosovo police raided all nine Post of Serbia offices in four northern Kosovo municipalities and the premises of the Postanska Stedionica Bank treasury in Leposavic.

Deputy director of police for northern Kosovo Veton Elshani told the Kossev portal that this was a simultaneous operation in all nine venues based on a request made by the Regulatory Body for Electronic and Postal Communications after receiving information that the business operations being performed on the premises were unlicensed.

Elshani said the venues would be closed and that all seized items would be handed over to the prosecutor, without specifying what was seized.

Petar Petkovic, director of the Serbian government's Office for Kosovo and Metohija, called this operation by the Kosovo police illegal and executed in contravention of the telecommunications agreement of 2015, which states that all postal service issues are to be resolved solely within the dialogue.

"In this way, [Kosovo Premier Albin] Kurti is directly provoking an armed conflict and it is obvious that he wants to cause conflict on the ground at any cost, all while the international community looks on," Petkovic noted in a written statement.

According to him, after doing away with the dinar and closing the offices of the Postanska Stedionica Bank, Kurti is now "zeroing in on the functioning of the Post of Serbia, in the desire to leave Serbs without any means to live on, and workers on the street."

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