Progressive Official Elected as New Nis Mayor | Beta Briefing

Progressive Official Elected as New Nis Mayor

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 13.08.24 | access_time 12:56

Photo: Beta/Biljana Ljubisavljevic

Nis’s new mayor is Dragoslav Pavlovic of the Serbian Progressive Party, who was also the lead candidate on the ruling coalition’s Aleksandar Vucic – Nis Tomorrow ticket. Pavlovic was elected at the city assembly’s constitutive session, which lasted 18.5 hours and concluded at 4:30 a.m. on Aug. 13.

Pavlovic’s nomination was supported by 30 assemblymen from his own ticket and one from the Russian Party, i.e. a total of 31 of the assembly’s 61 representatives.

The Socialist Party of Serbia’s Igor Novakovic was chosen as assembly speaker.

The constitutive session will be remembered not only for its extreme length but also for the heated debates between its opposition representatives and the assemblymen from the Serbian Progressive Party and its coalition partners.

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