U.S. Professor: Trump’s Return Would Result in Even Softer Approach to Vucic | Beta Briefing

U.S. Professor: Trump’s Return Would Result in Even Softer Approach to Vucic

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 28.08.24 | access_time 19:24

Edward Joseph (Photo: @edwardpjoseph/Twitter)

A U.S. foreign policy expert, Edward P. Joseph, stated on Aug. 28 that Donald Trump’s possible return to the office of U.S. president could lead to drastic changes in Washington’s foreign policy and an even softer approach to the authorities in Serbia.

Trump may attempt to reach agreement with Russia on Ukraine and push Ukraine toward a territorial solution. If he were to do that, showing a sort of friendly relation with Putin, this would immediately reflect on the Balkans. Because – aligning with an autocrat like Putin means an even softer approach to (Serbian President Aleksandar) Vucic. In my opinion, even the administration of (current U.S. president) Joseph Biden was too soft on him,” said the professor.

In an interview to Radio Free Europe, Joseph said that the victory of Democrat candidate Kamala Harris in the presidential election in the U.S. in November would not necessarily mean a continuation of Biden’s approach to the Balkans, “which was, in some aspects, a continuation of Trump’s approach.”

“Trump has pushed for mini-Schengen, Biden has pushed for the Open Balkan. The situation in the Balkans has deteriorated and, whether Harris would recognize the difficulties Biden has encountered in the Balkans – we don’t know. I think Harris should carefully examine the difficulties that the Biden administration has had and face with – as I have referred to in my writing – the Balkan paradox,” he said.

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